Matthew Weller's research documentation web site for the Authorship & Interaction module on the Graphic Communication Design course at the University of Westminster.
This site is intended to cover my research and project development as well as present my understanding of the module and the intended learning outcomes across the 15 week period of undertaking.
Compiled throughout these pages I delve into subjects such as the use of online collaboration tools such as Pachube, Huddle and Wikipedia; the basics of using Adobe Dreamweaver for building and hosting web sites; collaborative filmmaking through skills learnt in Final Cut Pro workshops; physical computing using tools such as Nanode, Arduino and MBED circuits and boards.
This site was created wholly using Hot Glue (, with other elements created in Adobe Illustrator and Adobe Photoshop.
Data Gathering & Display
Online Collaboration &
Info Aggregation Tools
Browser Based
Collaborative Film Making
Openness Online
Remix Culture
Final Project